-MonacoPROFILER does NOT see the MonacoOPTIX XR InstrumentQ: I am trying to create a monitor profile through MonacoPROFILER Platinum and the program does not see the MonacoOPTIXXR colorimeter. Is there any particular reason for this ( I have tried both OS X and OS 9.2).
A: The MonacoOPTIXXR colorimeter was released after the release of MonacoPROFILER v4.6. Our next release of MonacoPROFILER will be the first to support this new device. In the interim, you can and should use the MonacoOPTIX software that came with your instrument. Keep in mind that the MonacoOPTIXXR has drivers for MacOS X and Windows only; it will not function in MacOS 9.2.