X-Rite photo

Date Created: 4/14/2008   Date Modified: 3/16/2012

+ColorMunki Photo and Photo ColorPicker do not Launch in Same Language on Mac

ColorMunki Photo installs two separate applications;

  • ColorMunki Photo
  • Photo ColorPicker

Here is a complete overview on how ColorMunki deals with the languages


On the Mac platform

Language for installation procedure is the same as the system's language (Preferences / International / Language)

ColorMunki Photo starts the in language selected in System Preferences / International / Formats

Photo ColorPicker starts in language, which is selected in System Preferences / International / Language which could result in the two applications running in different languages on the same Mac OS.

On the Windows platform

Language for installation procedure can be chosen

Applications (ColorMunki Photo, Photo ColorPicker) start in system's default language

To change application's language, change system's language to the preferred language in control panel 'Regions and Language Options'