X-Rite photo

Date Created: 5/13/2004   Date Modified: 5/18/2016

-My measurements are not coming into the software application

Q: I'm using a DTP41 and no values appear when I read a strip into ColorShop X or MonacoQCcolor.

A: If a proper strip definition has been entered, a solid green light should appear on the instrument immediately after reading a strip. If a rapid flashing green light occurs, there has been an error reading and no values will be transmitted. In this case check that the strip definition under the device menu matches the strip you are trying to measure.

If a solid green light does appear at the end of a strip reading and no values appear in the scratchpad, it is likely that either the instrument requires calibration or some other application has left the DTP41 in a state that ColorShop X or MonacoQCcolor do not understand. The easiest solution to this is a full factory reset, followed by a calibration. This should enable values to transfer properly.

A full factory reset can be performed with the instructions found under the Resetting an X-Rite DTP41.