i1Pro (Discontinued)

Date Created: 10/7/2010   Date Modified: 7/26/2012

+i1 Solutions (i1iSis, i1iO, i1Pro) - XRGA Information

The newly released second generation of i1 instruments (i1Pro 2 and i1iO 2) are XRGA-native and have been shipping since April 2, 2012. Previous generations in the i1 portfolio such as the i1Pro (Rev A-D) and i1iO (Rev 1 and 2) conform to the legacy GretagMacbeth standard. The i1iSis and i1iSis XL also will continue to conform to the legacy GretagMacbeth standard until replacement hardware is developed.

There are two options available to convert measurements from the previous i1 generation of products if required:

Option 1:

For those using i1 the instrument(s) in conjunction with 3rd party software, the relevant software supplier should be contacted to confirm compliance or availability of an update to conform to XRGA. Software Development Kits (SDK’s) which automatically convert from the GretagMacbeth standard to XRGA are available through X-Rite’s software developer support.

Option 2:

For those using i1 the instrument(s) in conjunction with software that dos not support conversion to XRGA, the ColorPort Utility in the i1Profiler software can be used to convert data from the old standard to XRGA. See “ColorPort” and “i1Profiler (i1Publish)” for details.

See Also . . .

L7-492 i1iSis and XRGA - Application Note