X-Rite photo


Phil Crow

Originally trained using film, I worked with all formats from 35mm to 10x8. I used to print my own work for a number of years, obsessing over RA4 control strips and my paper processor.

Finally, I was introduced to digital using my Hasselblad with an Imacon back and colours were brought in with Flextight software and the old Kodak greycard.

Nowadays, I rely on the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport which enables me to capture images with accurate white balance on location or in the studio. I can even use the ColorChecker with my drone! Then, using the Passport's colour targets also shot at location, I can create camera profiles for C1. This makes a huge difference to the speed of my workflow as I can batch process all my RAWs before my final edit.

Occasionally, I'll also use the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport Video for video shoots just to grab a quick white balance; a very handy bit of kit.
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