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Download: EZcolor v2.6x DLL Patch


Release Date: 7/21/2004

File Type: PC - Self-extracting ZIP with Read Me Text

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MonacoEZcolor v2.6.0..v2.6.3 may crash under certain conditions when creating a printer profile. Poor scanner linearity or poor shadow measurement capability is at the root of the cause. This generates a math error within the software that is not properly trapped - hence the crash.


In July of 2004, Monaco SW Engineering released a modified DLL file (MPL.DLL) which is able to prevent the math error. It will allow the creation of profiles even under extreme circumstances. Note however as mentioned in the notes above, root cause is a poor scan. Please ensure that your scanner is properly configured and that all automatic tone compression or other color/tone corrections have been disabled. It is the function of a profile to correct these characteristics. If two different tools attempt to make the same correction then the result is often unexpected data.