X-Rite photo


When did you first understand the importance of color to the photographic process?
The precision in the color reproduction has been historically a challenge for the photographer since the invention of the color chemical film. Later, with the development of digital technology, color management has turned to be a priority goal for the implementation of a controlled and stable workflow. I realized the importance of color control with my first digital fine art prints.

At first it was very difficult to achieve the match between colors captured by my camera and colors viewed in my screen and then in the print. Since then I realized the limitations of my reproduction tools and the importance to minimize the potential changes in color in each step of my workflow. I needed tools that allowed me for a better color and devices control.

What is the most important aspect of color management that an aspiring photographer should know?
Probably the first step is to be conscious of the limitations of the different devices that we use in photography (cameras, screens, printers) when capturing and reproducing color. Next it is important to have some knowledge of color theory to understand why color changes and which factors influence its visualization. Finally the photographer must know that there are efficient solutions to manage color.

Give an example of the ways in which a solid knowledge of color management (or an accurate color environment) helped you – on a project? In a consultancy situation?
A fashion client kept complaining about the lack of color accuracy from some of his photographers. For him, the priority was the perfect match between the image and his product color. By applying the most advanced color management tools, he became a long-term client of me.

Why are you committed to using X-Rite products?
Because they are clearly the best and most advanced tools in the market. The software tools are complete, allow for personalization and are user friendly. 

How important are the latest color management tools in today’s industry?  Why?
Not only very important but a must. No excuse for a perfect color matching today. 

What does the (near) future hold for the photo industry, in your opinion? Do you think color management will be more or less important – why?
The market is becoming extremely competitive. Clients are more and more demanding and the photographer, as the responsible of his work, has to offer them the best quality. Not dealing with color management is not an option.

How is color management related to your artistic process?
As I mentioned above, I could not imagine my workflow without a perfect and sophisticated color management. 

Do you see color management as an advantage for saving money?
Sure, working with a stable and safe flow allows to save time and proofing to reach a perfect color match. Time is money.