Professional Level ICC Profile Creation and Editing
MonacoPROFILER Platinum is a powerful and flexible wizard-based solution designed to help commercial and fine art photographers and graphic arts professionals save time and money by easily creating and editing custom ICC profiles. Simple to use, a software wizard walks through the process to profile, diagnose, and edit profiles for displays, scanners, printers and digital cameras. Delivering precise color output for any technology, MonacoPROFILER even supports up to 8 inks and 8 discrete colors, providing the flexibility to color-manage your wide-gamut, extended color printers.
Since MonacoPROFILER Platinum is ideal for all RGB/CMYK/PANTONE® Hexachrome/Multi-Ink Printers and for both the production and simulation of colors using spot-color inks, it’s the perfect solution for fine art and commercial reproduction studios, photo labs, small print shops, service bureaus, large format print vendors, and high quality print shops.